Are you happy – The backup story

cherriesRecenty in a conversation with IT sales reps, I asked the question – “How do pitch backup software”.  I got multiple answers – “Ask them what they are backing up”,. “Ask them what issues they have with backup” etc etc.

I reminded them that 9 times out of 10 their clients would already have some solution for backing up their data.  An analogy I used for approaching the backup question is the three word question.

The story goes like this.

Boy goes to the nightclub with a bunch of friends.  He sees a Lady he likes and decides to talk to her.  Boldly he walks up to and asks her for a dance.  She replies that she has a boyfriend.

Does he walk away head hanging low back to his buddies or does he simply ask her the three word question.  “Are you happy”

When you speak to your client about backups and they say that they already have a product ask them that question – “Are you happy with your current backup product”.  This opens up a dialog and potentially an opportunity to pitch to them a product that meets their needs.

You never know, Like the story of the boy in the nightclub, you might actually end up getting the girl.

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Parable of the washing machine.


Parable of the Washing Machinelg

A couple of years ago my dryer broke.  So being the nice husband I was I took my wife to homedepot to get a new one. While we were there the salesman showed my wife a nice red LG dryer with all these cool features – steam dry, sensor dry and easy iron.  We were suitably impressed.

Then he asked what colour was the old one – “White we replied”.

Obviously it doesn’t match the red one – “You gotta have a matching colour washer and dryer.  Other wise it won’t look good in your laundry room”.

My wife loved the idea – matching red washer and dryer.

Me – my budget had just doubled.

What can I do – “Happy wife happy life”

So we got a matching coloured washer and dryer.

When we went to pay the sales man asked – “Sir how would you like extended warranty with that.  Peace of mind for the next 5 years.  If anything happens call this number and we would go fix it at no extra cost. “

You gotta have extended warranty right?

So,  I took the extended warranty.

Then as I was about to pay he asked me – “Sir how would you like installation services with that.  All you need to do is open the door and our guys would bring it in, take out the old one, install it and test it.  You don’t need to do anything extra.”  Sounds good.

So I took the installation.

Then as I was about to pay he asked me – “Sir how would you like to pay for that in one years time.  We will give you credit card, one year interest free.  You can pay back at your leisure.”

This I like.

Today, I am in debt for an extra three thousand dollars, I have a new red washing machine and dryer and most importantly I have a happy wife.

Now what is the moral of my story.

Don’t take your significant other appliance shopping – just joking.

Seriously though look at your business if you are in sales – the sale is not done till you have covered every option.  Do not hesitate to sell a complete solution and don’t leave anything on the table.  If you do guaranteed your competition won’t be.

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